
How To Remove Old Doorbell Without Screws

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If a lacking doorbell is failing to alert you that you accept visitors, or listening to the same monotonous chimes year after year is making you desire to tear your hair out, it may exist time upgrade to a new and improved system. Replacing a doorbell is simple enough and you lot should be able to tackle this in a matter of minutes. After turning off the electricity and removing your old doorbell unit of measurement, just fit the new i into place, fasten it to the wall, and reconnect the wires. Here's everything you need to know to become the job done.

  1. one

    Turn off the electricity to the doorbell. Even though in that location'due south not much current running through it, the doorbell is an electrical apparatus. Find the switch indicating the doorbell unit on your domicile'south circuit breaker and flip it to the "off" position. This will stop the flow of electricity and allow y'all to work safely.[one]

    • Attempting to remove or modify your doorbell without get-go making certain that the electricity is off could result in a nasty stupor.
    • If your circuit billow isn't clearly labelled or y'all want to confirm that the ability is off for safety'due south sake, press the doorbell button. If information technology rings, information technology means there's still current flowing to information technology.
  2. 2

    Remove the doorbell's outer housing. Locate the interior doorbell unit. This is the small, speaker-like box that emits audio when the doorbell push is pressed. Once you lot've found it, unscrew the outer cover and set it aside. Some covers may not be secured with screws—these volition simply pop off when enough pressure is applied.[2]

    • Near doorbell units are situated in the hallway or foyer close to the front entrance.[3]
    • If you lot've never replaced your doorbell before and you're unsure where it is, accept someone press the button and heed for where the sound is coming from.


  3. 3

    Disconnect the wires from the doorbell unit. With the inner workings exposed, you should run into 2 or iii colored wires running to separate terminals in the center of the unit. Loosen the screws property these wires in place and pull them free from the terminals. Pay shut attention to the internal layout of the unit of measurement then yous'll recall how it needs to be configured.[4]

    • It's a good idea to tag the wires or mark the terminals with the corresponding colour to assist you remember what goes where. If you don't desire to go to all that problem, simply have a snapshot with your telephone.[five]
    • Typically, at that place will be 1 wire for the front doorbell and ane for the transformer, with an boosted wire if yous have a separate doorbell for the back door. When the doorbell is pressed, a small current is directed from the button to the box unit of measurement, activating a series of chimes.
    • If the sometime doorbell wasn't working, use a battery tester or a meter to make sure the wires are intact before you install the new doorbell. If they're not, consider switching to a wireless doorbell, instead.[6]
  4. four

    Disassemble the doorbell from the wall. Unscrew the old unit and elevator it away from its base, maneuvering information technology around the wiring carefully. The new unit will go in the aforementioned spot for a quick and piece of cake switch-out.[7]

    • Chuck your former doorbell in the trash, or consider having it repaired and using information technology every bit a backup in case you experience a problem with the new one.
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  1. ane

    Fit the new doorbell into place. Mount the unit on the wall, guiding the wires through the slots in the face up. Make sure the edges and corners are straight and that all screw holes are aligned. If the new doorbell differs in size from the sometime one, adjust it until you're satisfied with the placement.[8]

    • Attaching a dissimilar model may crave you to drill new holes.
    • Apply a level to line upwardly the edges of the new unit more precisely.[ix]
  2. ii

    Secure the doorbell to the wall. Re-insert and tighten the screws past mitt. If you drilled a fresh set of holes, double check that they're the right size to back up the new unit.[10]

    • Use plastic anchors to keep your walls from being damaged by the spiral threads.[11]
    • Replace the screws in the upper corners offset to hold the unit in place while you end tightening the bottom corners.
  3. 3

    Reconnect the wires. Remember to run the wires to their advisable terminals. Match them upward with their designated colors or labels before screwing them down. Otherwise, the doorbell won't work correctly.[12]

    • Crossing upwards the wires could even put the doorbell in danger of shorting out.
  4. 4

    Snap the housing into place. Fit the outer encompass over the new unit and press information technology until information technology clicks. If the unit features a faceplate with separate screws, make sure they're each properly fastened. That'southward all there is to it!

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  1. 1

    Flip the breaker for the doorbell back on. Caput back to your home's circuit billow and switch it over to the "on" position. One time the electricity has been restored, your new doorbell will exist operational.

    • Avert treatment the new doorbell unit while the electricity is live.
  2. ii

    Press the doorbell push. You lot should hear it chinkle loud and clear, in which case you can call information technology a day and adore your handiwork. If it doesn't brand a noise, there may be an issue with the wiring. Double check that the colored wires are running to the correct terminals and that each connection is secure, then give it another shot.[xiii]

    • Button the push a few times to make sure it works consistently.
    • A dysfunctional doorbell with no obvious causes may be the result of a bad wire or transformer. Call an electrician to come up out and take a closer expect at your doorbell'south power source and replace information technology if necessary.[fourteen]
  3. 3

    Replace a bad doorbell button. Should you lot discover that the doorbell even so doesn't work subsequently upgrading the inside unit, the problem may be with the button itself. Dead doorbell buttons are an like shooting fish in a barrel set up—just unscrew the faceplate, put a new push in its identify and reconnect the wires on the backside. Information technology should work like a charm the next time you lot give it a push button.[15]

    • Use a pocket-sized strip of tape to keep the wires from falling into the hole in the door frame while yous switch out the buttons.
    • While you have the doorbell faceplate off, it may be a skillful idea to test the approachable current using a multimeter tool to see if bad wiring is to arraign.[16]
  4. 4

    Heed for the doorbell from dissimilar parts of your home. Take a helper printing the doorbell a few times every bit yous motion throughout the house. That way, you can confirm that it'southward aural from every room. New doorbell chimes tin take some getting used to, particularly if you've been using the same ones for years.

    • If y'all live in a big house, you might find it useful to install two different doorbells for the front and back doors. Each will accept a distinctive chime to let you know which door your visitors accept arrived at.[17]
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    How exercise I know if the problem is my sometime doorbell or the wiring?

    Jacob Pischer

    Jacob Pischer is a Home Comeback Specialist and the Owner of Helpful Badger, a habitation repair service in Portland, OR. With over four years of experience, Jacob specializes in a variety of handyman services including pressure washing, cleaning gutters, repairing drywall, fixing leaky plumbing fixtures, and repairing broken doors. Jacob studied at Madison Surface area Technical College and has a background in existent manor investment.

    Jacob Pischer

    Home Improvement Specialist

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    If you're replacing a wired-in doorbell, utilize a bombardment tester or a meter to brand sure everything is conductive all the mode through. If it's non, at that place's a cutting in the wire somewhere, and you lot're meliorate off switching to a wireless doorbell.

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  • Check your doorbell'due south internal components before replacing it outright—information technology may just exist a matter of bad or faulty wiring.

  • A multimeter tool can exist used to exam the electric current running to your doorbell.

  • While shopping around for a new doorbell, pick out a unit with a pleasant, recognizable tune that yous'll be able to hear from every part of the house.

  • To save yourself fourth dimension and coin on futurity maintenance, consider swapping out your sometime chime doorbell with a newer wireless unit. These simply plug into an electrical outlet and can exist moved throughout your habitation as needed.


Things You'll Need

  • Doorbell unit of measurement
  • Screwdriver
  • Masking record, sticker labels, or colored markers
  • Level
  • Electric drill (optional)
  • Screws (optional)
  • Plastic wall anchors (optional)

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