
How To Repair Roof After Satellite Dish Removal

In a fourth dimension when we're all stuck at habitation with then much free fourth dimension on our hands, watching the television is probably one of the best ways to avoid boredom. Not even that, but we can too learn a lot of cool things by watching informative channels, documentaries, or just relax with some funny content after a tough day at work. However, life wouldn't be life if something doesn't interrupt our joy, and in times like these, that "something" is frequently a signal disruption ready to ruin our day.

In today's article, we decided to focus on something that many of you will hopefully find helpful, specially if the situation we described above is more familiar than yous'd like. So, become your creative shirts on and buckle up because nosotros're going to turn an old satellite dish into a fully-functional Tv set antenna. Let'southward begin.

Source: Pinterest

The basics

If you are wondering if this is possible in the showtime place, or you're just curious to acquire how it tin can exist done, we'll be covering everything that you need to know in the following text. Yes, turning a satellite dish into an antenna that can be placed outdoors is a very achievable thing, and it's a lot simpler than yous think.

What yous'll need for this is a basic toolbox, a few hours of free time, and an open tech-store that's almost your area so that y'all won't accept to club parts on the internet and wait for them to arrive. If you think that you got what information technology takes, let'due south begin immediately.

Source: Bloomberg

Removing the dish

Apparently, the start thing that nosotros need to practise is to remove the dish, and in that location are multiple means of doing this, but we chose the easiest 1, every bit well as the only one that won't have whatever risks associated with information technology.

Remember that you'll take to get on acme of your roof to practise all of this, and so if you are an older person, someone who'southward injured or y'all're only agape of heights, it might be a amend idea to call a professional to take care of this task for you lot. If you lot're comfortable going to the roof, we tin proceed.

So, what you need to do at present that you lot're on the roof, is to remove the dish from the mast, only hither'south the catch. Yous demand to go along the mounting bracket of the mast so that yous skip the part where you purchase a new ane, assuasive you to save some money. Removing the dish should exist fairly easy, and you can do it by using a wrench.

You won't be needing the dish anymore, which means that you tin throw it away, but we advise you to keep it simply in case. Out of all the parts though, the dish is the ane that tin be damaged in the procedure, the rest you lot'll need for subsequently.

As well, every satellite setup comes with a coaxial cable that goes in the receiver box, and we'd similar you to keep that as well. If you're wondering why, yous're doing this to skip all the hassle of drilling new holes and getting a new cable.

If you want a new dish installed, without risking going up on the roof and letting a squad of trained professionals handle the problem, experience free to check out this website.

Source: Medium

Discovering the transmitters

Y'all already know that your signal comes from transmitters, and then what you need to do next is to try and locate the management of the nearest transmitter. If yous don't know where they are, you can use websites or google maps to locate them, or a Idiot box station locator tool.

One time you lot're done with this, you'll need to do the "about complicated" step of the entire process, which is to purchase an antenna, but not merely any kind. You'll need an OTA Antenna, and the range of it has to go a fleck further than the farthest tower in your area. Non the closest, the farthest. The blueprint of the antenna doesn't make any difference, then buy whichever seems the most highly-seasoned to yous.

Source: lifewire

Mounting the new antenna

In one case y'all've removed the dish and threw information technology in your backyard, information technology's time to use the same post that held it, and mount your new antenna. Nosotros are not actually sure what kind of an antenna you chose, but virtually come with a very simple and easy-to-employ bracket, so y'all should have no trouble getting it on.

When you're done with this, information technology's time to take the entire thing and find the right place on your roof to mountain everything in place, pointed at the direction of the local TV transmitter that you've previously discovered.

The coaxial cable

Now comes the office where you'll put that cable you lot've saved to good use. Accept information technology and use your toolbox to exercise any modifications if needed, which is highly unlikely, and connect it to the brand-new antenna that you've purchased. The other finish of it goes directly in your Television set device. When you're washed connecting things, if you've done properly and without any mistakes, you should be able to savour your gratis TV content. Of course, you'll have to scan for the new channels first.

Source: Sewell Direct

If things are non working

If yous of a sudden first experiencing some disruptions or a weak signal, it can be because of 2 things:

  1. Y'all didn't choose an antenna that has the required range.
  2. Yous probably damaged either the antenna or the cablevision during the removal procedure.

If it's the start one, yous can effort and return it to the store, getting a refund and going to a new one to purchase a stronger version, if they don't have one in the aforementioned shop. If they do have a ameliorate version with broader range, pick that one upwards and you should have better results.

If information technology's the 2nd scenario, you'll have to get a new cable and check if yous've damaged something else in the procedure. If all else is fine, getting a new cable should fix your problem completely. If none of this works, try re-pointing your antenna and placing it higher on the roof, without any obstacles blocking it, such as trees or buildings.


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